Free to say NO

As I say “No”, deep down in my heart, I second guess myself. I smile.


A constant fear that embroiders my unseen mind disposition. I halt my thoughts like a child placed in a naughty corner – a corner of approval from my acquaintances.


“I close your eyes and breathe” the voice tells me, “You are safe” Slowly, my turmoil mind rest.


The heavy burden off my chest disappears. I say “No,” – with no feeling of guilt. My body and mind become a team at that moment, I breathe and smile.


My curved posture similar to a camel of second-guessing myself straightens itself like a newly built motorway of the Mongu-Kalabo road: the gateway to my motherland. I breathe and smile.


With an eloquent button, I walk upright, causing the commotion in my household – feathers falling off their healthy egos like a diseased bird – I smile and breathe.


Stitches fall off my mind – it is not caged anymore – I am free to say, “No,” a word unfamiliar to me.


A word that signifies a lack of empathy! Dear me, it feels good to say “No,”  


Second-guessing my feelings presently evaporate like dew on a spring morning – I breathe and smile. ‘No’ is an excellent tool to cure my gauged mind; the unforeseen emotions of seeking approval and love.


As my bent posture straightens with confidence – my lengthy neck similar to an ostrich elongates out like a windmill with large ears of an elephant picking up all the literary sounds of disappointment from my comrades for saying “No,” to their demand of expectations. ‘No’ to protect my heart – a perception taken as pride.


My neck taller than the surrounding of my present space, I breathe a fresh sense of freedom and I smile. Freedom to trust my judgment without second-guessing my decision, I breathe and smile.


The room is quiet; I see lips moving with no sound; faces are frowning; I wonder as it’s almost Christmas time only to the displeasure of my saying “No,” Yet I breathe and smile.


I feel the peace and power meandering to every part of my body; I am free. I say “No,” to cure my caged mind; I have lived seeking approval.


I say “No,” to being bullied. 

I say “No,” to being manipulated.

I say “No,” to abuse.


I am, a strong independent woman.


Finally, I say “Yes,” to peace and love.


I Breathe and smile.


I am me because I am Holistic.